You don’t have to keep it all together.
We see you working so hard to keep it all together.
We see the late nights and early mornings.
We see your unending to-do lists.
We see your constant attempts to fix all the things.
You’ve reached a breaking point.
Losing it more than you’d like with your kids.
Falling behind with your classes or work.
You’re not yourself.
Feeling empty and wanting more for your life.
“I feel so disconnected and lonely.”
You are the tired mama.
You are the worried sister.
You are the steadfast wife.
You are the stressed-out college student.
You are the exhausted caretaker.
Desperate for relief, connection, even just a deep breath.
But you have no idea where to find any of those things.
Everyone else around you seems to get things done.
All while maintaining their workout schedules, doing a low-carb diet, keeping their GPAs, and doing date nights every week.
You are running on all cylinders and doing so much.
Yet it feels like you can’t keep up and maybe even feel like a failure.
Disconnected from yourself, your relationships, your work.
You are done and need something to change.
“I just need a space to be honest and talk.”

so, why sparrows?
A sparrow is constantly looking for support, they don't go at life alone.
And when they are supported, they then look for ways and opportunities grow.
And through this support and growth, they are one of the most resilient birds.
Just like you.
You are supported. You are resilient. And, we promise, you are growing.
Individual therapy can help you find yourself again, giving you the skills and confidence you need to be who you really are and thrive in life.
And I know that you might be thinking that therapy isn’t for you… that other people need it way more than you do. But that’s just not true – you deserve to live into your one, wild, and precious life (thank you, Mary Oliver).
We offer individual therapy both in-person and remotely at your convenience.
At The Sparrows Collective, we believe in holistic healing.
You are not just a mind.
You are not just a heart.
You are not just a body.
You are not just a soul.
You are all these things, and each part requires something different to feel more aligned and cared for.
That’s why we offer weekly yoga sessions with a therapist.
Learn More
We have several options for supervision:
1. You can work with an outside agency and meet with Candace McArthur for supervision in groups or individually.
2. You might be able to join our badass collective of therapists and see clients through The Sparrows Collective on a part-time basis.
3. Or you can bring us your own great idea for how to get your hours. We would love to talk more about it!