Burnout and Stress

How’s that to-do list of yours?

Can you add one more thing… or are you about to lose it all?

What about your sleep?

Are you able to turn it all off and get the rest you so desperately need at night?

And your relationships… how are they?

Do people know YOU… or do they only know WHAT and HOW MUCH you do?

Is this what life has become?

… an endless loop of “getting things done” without any real excitement at all??

In Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle, Emily and Amelia Nagoski define “burnout” in three ways:

Emotional exhaustion: the fatigue that comes from caring too much, for too long…

Depersonalization: the depletion of empathy, caring, and compassion; and…

Decreased sense of accomplishment: an unconquerable sense of futility – the feeling that nothing you do makes any difference.

Every day feels so heavy, and the idea of waking up tomorrow feels impossible. But somehow, you just keep doing it. You keep showing up, but there is absolutely no desire to be where you are.

You often find yourself daydreaming about being somewhere else or just taking a very long nap, hoping that would make everything better. You don’t feel connected or present to anything, and happiness or joy feels so distant.

You can’t keep going like this.

It’s so easy NOT to do anything about your burnout and stress. Because doing something might just mean that you have to make some changes, and that is terrifying, I know.

You have to hold it all together and keep going and showing up and checking off your to-do list and making it happen, right?

But friend, you will hit a wall. And living this way is, well, not really living. It is like you’re living more as a machine; let’s be honest. But you are a human, and humans need rest, restoration, time, space, air, sunlight, snacks, friends, laughter, hobbies.

Here’s the truth: Remaining stressed and burned out isn’t helping anyone – not you… not your loved ones… no one.

Burnout and stress do NOT have to be a way of life.

But you have to put yourself first. I know that might not be easy for you. And before you even think it: No… it’s NOT selfish!

You can disarm that inner critic that seeks to keep you on a hamster wheel, going and going without the possibility of letting up.

You can unlearn the patterns that have kept you stuck in this cycle of pushing yourself to the point of falling apart.

You can unravel the constant need to make sure everyone around you is happy.

You can find a middle path that allows you to show up authentically, know your limits, and live on the outside in a way that completely matches who you are on the inside.

You can find a new way.

There is a way to harness your resilience and strength, and determination in such a way that gives you space for a full life rather than running you ragged.

Together, we will unpack the limiting beliefs and narratives that you have lived into that seem to perpetuate your burnout and learn to take hold of your life and story and begin to live in a more grounded and gracious way.

You will be given space and support to try new ways of operating and definitely make some missteps, but be met with empathy and grace. Friend, you will learn to laugh at yourself and life because it is so dang hard, and let me tell you, you’re doing a great job.

We will reconnect with your body and help you find practices and techniques to finally take a deep breath, slow down your racing thoughts, and feel more at home in your skin.

Grab your cup of coffee, sit down…

And make the decision you’re done!

Fill out the form below. I know how hectic and full your life already is, but you are allowed to be a priority.

You are beyond worth the time and effort this process requires, and I know more fullness and abundance are waiting for you.

Sister, don’t keep trying on your own!

Fill out the contact form below or give us a call so we can help you find yourself again: (512) 522-5467.