Navigating College Life

​Ever feel like you’re being INTERROGATED?

What year are you?

What’s your major?

So, when do you graduate?

Are you going to graduate school after that?

The questions just keep coming… and they’re always about your next step.

And how does that make you feel?

Maybe you know the answer to those questions and feel super confident about your next steps.

Or you might feel completely lost and have no idea what you’re doing or where you’re going.

Or you feel like you have a slight idea of what you want but feel anxious about making it happen.

College is a constantly-evolving season of life…

… and it’s hard! I know you’re swimming.

You’re asking lots of questions about yourself and figuring out what the hell you like and want to do with your one precious life. And it’s overwhelming!

You are trying to keep up with all the expectations from everyone around you while keeping that part-time job going and connecting with your friends and learning who you are, and oh yeah… you have a 15-page paper due tomorrow…

It’s a lot. And the burden that is placed on you during this season of life can sometimes feel insurmountable. So you’re anxious and worried, and you can’t sleep, or maybe you can’t seem to get yourself out of bed for your 9 am class anymore.

Hey. No matter what… it’s okay.

You are not alone.

And it is so stressful.

This time in your life is full of uncertainty and change, and expecting yourself to do it all perfectly is simply unrealistic, my friend.

You need support, space, and care.

At The Sparrows Collective, we can support you with individual or group counseling. Both spaces are safe, understanding, and helpful as you manage this high-stress time in your life.

No matter which one you choose, you’ll have a landing spot to talk through your fears and anxieties.

You can have space to talk about how you’re *not* handling the pressure without any judgment or shame.

You can learn healthier ways of navigating this time of your life, so you come out on the other side feeling more connected and confident.

You can sit in a group of others, just like you, and know that you are not the only one who is struggling.

You can take the time to explore those deeper questions of life: Who are you? What do you want out of life? What do you love? Without needing to please anyone else.

College is awesome, but it’s also a lot.

And you don’t have to handle the stress of it by yourself.

You’re not alone in this!

Fill out the contact form below or give us a call to see how we can help: (512)522-5467.